Owing to the nature of the County Schools Tournaments being open to all schools in the Middlesex County, it is up to schools to check this website page throughout the year for entry information to the County and National Schools Tournaments. No information will be emailed directly to schools in person.
I am delighted to again be able to invite you to enter the Middlesex Schools County Tournaments for season 2024/2025.
First round preliminary tournaments will take place on Wednesday 2nd October (U19 and U16) and Thursday 10th October (U15 and U14) with schools asked to arrive at 1.30pm for a 2.00pm start. Venues will be The Lady Eleanor Holles School, St Paul’s Girls School and for the U15/ U14 tournament we have also secured North London Collegiate School. You will be informed after entry which venue you have been allocated to attend. We anticipate the tournament running until 5.30pm, although this will depend on the number of school entries.
Three schools from each U19/ U16preliminary tournament and two schools from each U15/ U14 preliminary tournament will make it to the County School Finals on the 5th March at Lady Eleanor Holles School.
For the first-round tournaments, schools are asked to provide their own competent umpire. This member of staff may not at any point coach during the matches and should be of a C-Award standard. Schools will be asked to provide a registered C-Award Umpire for March, if they are to make the County Finals.
Students may play up an age group, if the school feels this is suitable for that student, but no student may play for more than one entered team. So, if for example a U15 student plays in the U19 team, they may not then play for their U15 team.
To enter, schools must be affiliated to England Netball. Details can be found on the Middlesex County website – www.middlesexnetball.co.uk click on Schools Info for an application form.
To enter, please complete the below google form and make payment by Monday 16th September, 2024.
Entry of £15 per team should be paid directly by bank transfer to – MCNA A/C 31026701 Sort Code 09-01-55
Please use your school’s name as a reference. We are not able to fill in any school paperwork for this transfer to take place. Please use a screenshot of the entry form and this letter for proof of request. Three schools from each U19/ U16preliminary tournament and two schools from each U15/ U14 preliminary tournament will make it to the County School Finals on the 4th March at Lady Eleanor Holles School.
For the first-round tournaments, schools are asked to provide their own competent umpire. This member of staff may not at any point coach during the matches and should be of a C-Award standard. Schools will be asked to provide a registered C-Award Umpire for March, if they are to make the County Finals.
Students may play up an age group, if the school feels this is suitable for that student, but no student may play for more than one entered team. So, if for example a U15 student plays in the U19 team, they may not then play for their U15 team.
To enter, schools must be affiliated to England Netball. Details can be found on the Middlesex County website – www.middlesexnetball.co.uk click on Schools Info for an application form.
To enter, please complete the below google form and make payment by Monday 16th September, 2024.
Entry of £15 per team should be paid directly by bank transfer to – MCNA A/C 31026701 sort code 09-01-55
Please use your school’s name as a reference. We are not able to fill in any school paperwork for this transfer to take place. Please use a screenshot of the entry form and this letter for proof of request.
Entry information for the England Netball National Schools Tournament (17th November at LEH school) and the County U12 and U13 Tournaments (4th March at Highgate School) will be uploaded to the website in due course, by the latest the end of September 2024.
Preliminary Tournaments
First round preliminary tournaments will take place on
Wednesday 2nd October (U19 and U16)
Thursday 10th October (U15 and U14)
with schools asked to arrive at 1.30pm for a 2.00pm start. Venues will be The Lady Eleanor Holles School, St Paul’s Girls School and for the U15/ U14 tournament we have also secured North London Collegiate School. You will be informed after entry which venue you have been allocated to attend. We anticipate the tournament running until 5.30pm, although this will depend on the number of school entries.
CLICK HERE to download the Information CLICK HERE for England Netball Memberships