Finding a Club Use the Club Directory on the London & South-East website to find a club local/suitable to you.
We advise getting the contacts for a couple of local clubs so that you can go along and try a couple of training sessions, then join the club you feel best suited to. Please note that these clubs are independent organisations and not all clubs are listed on the Club Directory. If you would like your club to be featured on the club directory or you would like to update details - please email
Junior Netball If you are a junior player looking for a club we would recommend approaching CAPS accredited clubs. These clubs are recognised nationally as having a well run club which is ACTIVE and ACCESSIBLE for children and young people.
Imagine the people you could inspire! Bring your passion and start coaching with England Netball. We are looking for inspirational individuals to coach at all levels of the game. New coaches learn by getting out there and having a go. You can learn so much from others and we can put you in touch with great local coaches to go and see them in action.
Netball is changing. Participation is growing, more clubs are developing and players are getting faster and stronger. High quality officiating at all levels is essential in helping us to be the number one sport for women and girls in England. Our Officiating Pathway allows officials to plot their own learner journey through a range of qualifications, helping them to fulfil their officiating potential.
Netball simply wouldn't happen without the time, talent and expertise of over 16,000 incredible volunteers at every level of the game. Volunteering is a rewarding experience, not only benefiting the club or organisation, but also the individual - developing skills for use at college, university or in the workplace. It's a fantastic way to make new friends, and nothing beats the "feel-good factor" of helping out and giving something to your sport. My contact details are[email protected]and mobile is 07442897817